Diversity Telehealth, LLC

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store?

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Diversity Telehealth, LLC.

Full line of telehealth services: Teladoc products, online counseling services,

School-based tele-behavioral health programs

SureShow medical app that replaces no-shows and late cancellations with on-demand, billable telehealth visits


Specializes in helping companies, communities, and agencies take advantage of the continuing improvement in telemedicine technologies to reduce their costs, improve their care, and save lives.

We provide consulting, installation support, and training across a variety of technologies and systems to deliver virtual medical, health, and education services to all communities.

Contact Person

Dr. Shelley Cooper


1601 East 18th Street, Suite 320A Kansas City MO 64108

Kansas City, Missouri

