Doulas For Life

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Business Description

A Birth Doula is a great addition to your birth team whether your care provider is a Midwife or Obstetrician. As your Birth Doula, my roles are specific to your needs. I provide you with emotional and physical support during this special time in your life. Whether it be a comforting massage through an intense wave or offering a snack to keep up your energy levels for labor’s journey. I am your whispering cheerleader when you feel like you want to give up. I encourage your partner on the importance of their presence. My roles is always evolving to be in tune with your energy. I keep the birth space peaceful and intimate.

Postpartum Doula:

The array of services and support can include:

  • Holistic healing techniques to aid in your recovery (bath teas, pad-sicles, sitz bath)

  • Newborn care- baths, proper cord care, safe sleep, gentle comfort and swaddle techniques

  • Feeding support-Proper latch and positions, Pace-feeding, Formula prep, Breast Milk Storage

  • Meal Prep

  • Light Housekeeping

  • Education on signs of Postpartum Depression deciphering what is normal

  • Sibling care

  • Cloth Diaper Prep and Care