Henderson Professional Mentorship Group

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store?

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

The Henderson Professional Mentorship Group specializes in providing mentoring experiences for Black professionals who are entry-level to middle management in need of personal and professional support for career and educational pursuits. Secondarily, HPMGRP provides technical assistance and capacity building to (non-profit and mission-based) organizations committed to the empowerment, economic development, and improvement of Black lives. 

  1. Personal Development and Career Mentoring
    1. Resume and cover letter consultations
    2. Graduate School Applications
    3. Scholarship, fellowship and grant applications
  2. HPMGRP Consulting
    1. Program Development and Implementation
    2. Restructuring 
    3. Leadership development and training
    4. Assessment, evaluation, and program alignment