Over-50 Enterprises LLC

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Business Description

Over-50 Enterprises LLC is a marketing consultancy firm that offers a precise, 3-step blueprint to fight ageism, and transform long-time over-50 wage-earners (first to be laid off; last to get called back after COVID-19) into successful entrepreneurs.

The ongoing success of the existing blueprint (FIFTEEN CRITICAL INSIGHTS FOR BUSINESS OWNERS OVER FIFTY … on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart Books, Books-A-Million Bestsellers, etc.) begins with the owner’s ability to re-discovering who he or she is, not decades ago, but RIGHT NOW. Most often, they don’t realize how their personal preferences and core competencies have changed. Without knowing, they cannot choose a compatible business niche. They will fail.

Over-50 Enterprises LLC offers a proven blueprint for over-50 business prospects trying to find their way, and allows candidates (trying to reconnect with themselves) the opportunity to take the $199 Master Over-50 Q9 Business Assessment (similar to Myers-Briggs type assessment) for free. In last-to-hire minority communities throughout the nation, people talk about the travesty of sending experienced, talented, hard-working individuals out to pasture because of the double stigma of race and age. We’ve gone beyond talk. We’re doing something about it. Website: over50enterprises.com