Rose Glow Tea Room

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Business Description

Rose Glow Tea Room offers immersive experiences to process a spectrum of emotions by incorporating stress reduction strategies in a caring environment. We are on a mission to remodel self-care using meditative strategies of tea and art


This workshop combines a sensory tea-tasting experience with breathing exercises, guided imagery, and journaling to give your employees the tools to help cope with stress. 

The Experience: 

A sensory tea practice invites participants to focus on the simple pleasures of brewing a cup of tea. Hit the reset button by bringing awareness to the five senses. The tea’s aroma, the cup’s warmth, the changing color of the infusion, and the taste on our tongues. The L-theanine found in tea helps to stimulate alpha waves in the brain, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation even during stressful situations. (Psychology today, What You Need to Know About L-theanine, 2017) 


This workshop is an “innovative method of transforming the human thinking process and achieving goals through creativity.” Through this meditative drawing activity, your unconscious is opened up to allow new pathways for removing limitations. (Pavel Piskarev D.Sc.,Prof., 2021, Neurographica : Algorithm for Removing Limitations) 

The Experience: 

Neurographica® created by psychologist, Pavel Piskarev D.Sc.,Prof., is now one of the most widely used and rapidly evolving psychological techniques. The technique has been scientifically validated and proven as a form of stress reduction and removing mental blocks. Participants will learn the “Algorithm for Removing Limitations” which will aid in achieving harmony with oneself and their environment. (Neurphraphica, Psychology of Creative Institute, 2021)